
Being Sick  

Feel  Better 

ugg i don't feel good mite have to go to the doctors office blahhhhhh!!!!  

My sis and My Daddy

I'm helping my sis get better and shes fine now thats why I'm wrighing this but a little bit a go she was trowing up like crazy she has food poisining andd i know because I had it once you have the runs or pooping like crazy just not soled and ya goto go take care of her bye. Stephanie )  :  shes all better now and all that im left with is my dad he's feeling sick but he's not he has a cunck of his finger that was amputated which means that the hospidal had to take it off. I saw it it was pritty kool if you ask me but I saw it covered in neosporin but still its kool I would show a pic. but IDK (I Don't Know)  if I can.

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